Odds Are 01/15 - 08/15

Personal Project

Odds Are started as a design project for a class at UIUC. A few friends and I decided that our idea actually had a shot in the real world. It was an online version of Odds Are, which is a game that we all used to play to dare our friends to do things. When I was a senior, this was all the rage, and we decided to capitalize on the opportunity.

The app was written entirely in Swift, and uses Parse as a backend. The app also leverages Facebook's Graph API and sign in. The app launched in July, 2015. This was my first large app, and it was met with immediate success. Without a marketing budget, we had over 1,000 DAUs, and were generating social media buzz in our social media circles. I eventually discontinued the app after Parse announced its shutdown in early 2016. I learned a lot from the opportunity, especially how to manage a small team, and how to effectively reach your user base.

